CPUG: The Check Point User Group

Resources for the Check Point Community, by the Check Point Community.

First, I hope you're all well and staying safe.
Second, I want to give a "heads up" that you should see more activity here shortly, and maybe a few cosmetic changes.
I'll post more details to the "Announcements" forum soon, so be on the lookout. -E


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3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi,
    CCIE2006, your a legend already with CCIE wowhoo! Congratulations, General Sir. I wish could be you too. I have one paper "tshoot" to attain CCNP but i want to get some security to prove that i know how to keep my network safe. yeah sir, good point eh. anyway, i bought these couple of ip530's from ebay and these only run ipso3.7 with FW-1 but i want to upgrade to 4.1/NGX-R65 and have a play as it is stable i heard from CPUG then on to 4.2. Problem is, i dont have (IPSO_wrapper_R65.tgz and ipso.tgz). can you feel generous to send me your exclusively written script with the 200MB file also? would really really be appreciated. my e is detoxn@gmail.com. thanks sir.
  2. Hey cciesec2006. I appreciate the info you provided about the script you wrote. If you are ever interested in sharing such a script, let me know. my e-mail is maybeedave@yahoo.com.

    Take care,

  3. View Conversation
    With regard to your cphaprob stat output of "none"
    That means that for some reason it failed to find the IP of its sync interface.
    Does the output of “cphaprob -a if” looks ok?
    Please send it, and also the output of “ifconfig -a" and “fw ctl iflist”
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