CPUG: The Check Point User Group

Resources for the Check Point Community, by the Check Point Community.

First, I hope you're all well and staying safe.
Second, I want to give a "heads up" that you should see more activity here shortly, and maybe a few cosmetic changes.
I'll post more details to the "Announcements" forum soon, so be on the lookout. -E


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    Hi Can you help me with this ?
    Are there any nasty residual artefacts left over when creating, and then subsequently deleting, a VSX VSLS Virtual firewall under an existing, populated Cluster object? I am writing out a process for the FW Admins to create a new VSLS (Mgmt station is a SmartCenter Server, R65, not Provider-1), and while the VSLS will be deleted immediately upon creation, I want to know if there will be any ugly residual and potentially later-conflicting remnants in either the VSX install or at the XOS level, after deletion.

    Any information/advice is greatly appreciated.
  2. Do you know how to show rules or policies using CLI commands ? Can you use CLI commands like FW or CP just to view them ?
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