CPUG: The Check Point User Group

Resources for the Check Point Community, by the Check Point Community.

First, I hope you're all well and staying safe.
Second, I want to give a "heads up" that you should see more activity here shortly, and maybe a few cosmetic changes.
I'll post more details to the "Announcements" forum soon, so be on the lookout. -E


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5 Visitor Messages

  1. hi Jim,
    when a packet comes to firewall what is the order of check from the below 3 options:
    *rule base
  2. Hi Jim,

    I have worked in CP fW for the past 6 months and I am very much comfy in the dashboard and front ends. But the command line and the location of folders (like how we go and do snmp configs inside a ETC/X/X and all) I am really not getting confidence on it. Do you have any documents or point me to somewhere where can I get a Nice piece of info and get mastered on it ?
    Thanks in advance.

  3. Thanks, is there a CLI command to view the rules or policies like FW or CP ?
  4. Do you know how to show rules or policies using CLI commands ?
  5. I live in the Seattle area, so the nearest office to me is Bellevue. I suspect I will be lucky in that they will allow me to keep my current "work from home" arrangement I have with Nokia. At least that's what the conversations I've had suggest so far, but nothing is decided yet ;)
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